Meeting Minutes for 1/20/2019 General Meeting
Meeting began at 2:07pm by President Larry Heagy
33 Members and guests were in attendance
Ed Montgomery read the minutes from the last meeting, motion to approve the minutes as read was made by Tim Evans and seconded by Carl. All members in attendance voted to approve the minutes.
Larry started off the meeting by informing the membership that the schedule cards are in. These cards have the complete schedule and the club Officers contact information on them It is handy to keep them with you and in your boat and truck in case you need to contact someone during a tournament event.
Larry mentioned that Rudy Cardenas and Jack Watkins are new board members for 2019. Both Rudy and Jack were in attendance but they did not buy any refreshments for the membership that voted them onto the board.
The first order of business was to discuss and vote on the pending bylaws amendment proposed at the last meeting. After much discussion the vote was taken and the amendment was not approved.
The bylaws amendment was rewritten by Ed Montgomery and a motion to make a bylaws amendment was made by Ed and Seconded by Craig Knight. All Members present approved the proposed bylaws change and this will be voted on at the next general meeting.
The bylaws change was: Consumption of Alcoholic beverages is prohibited during posted tournament hours for all Steel City Bassmasters events. Violation of this rule will result in immediate tournament disqualification and further disciplinary action up to and including removal of the individual from the Steel City Bassmasters Organization as determined by the Club Officers and Board Members
Mike Anderson made a motion to adjourn the current meeting and have the next regular scheduled meeting commence at the end of this meeting. The motion was seconded by Johnny Morris.
Mike Anderson motioned that wae closed the meeting, the motion was seconded by Carl Gansner. All in attendance approved the motion at 3:05pm.
Mike Vallino won the 50/50 drawing and promptly called Pizza Hut for some Pizza for the members in attendance. I think he had Pizza Hut on speed dial.
Due to the motion passed at the previous meeting Larry opened up the next meeting at 3:08pm. .
Larry started off this meeting witha discussion on the banquet. The banquet will be next Saturday, Jan 26th and starts with food at 6:00pm. This is out 30th year in existance and Larry has an all star cast attending the banquet including some of the founding members of the club. This will be a fun night for everyone.
Craig Knight mentioned about the Steve Ficker Memorial Kids Fishing scholarship event. More details later on this event but it will be held on May 11th at 12:00 to 4:00pm. Ages 6-18 are invited to participate.
Rick Ficker mentioned about a memorial golf tournament being held on the Saturday of the Pomme De Terre tournament. Saturday dates are very hard to come by so he took that date and any member that is not going to Pomme should come to the golf event. Rick indicated that getting a good attendance would not be a problem. More on this at the next meeting.
Jeremy randomly said the word “Douche” in reference to something that someone said or to the Rams that won the football game.
The bylaws amendment was again discussed and ballots were taken. The membership passed the bylaws amendment and is promptly changed on the website. the new bylaw is: Consumption of Alcoholic beverages is prohibited during posted tournament hours for all Steel City Bassmasters events. Violation of this rule will result in immediate tournament disqualification and further disciplinary action up to and including removal of the individual from the Steel City Bassmasters Organization as determined by the Club Officers and Board Members
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mike Anderson and seconded by Carl. The meeting was adjourned at 3:21pm.
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