Membership Newsletter for 2018 Season


Steel City Members,

After a few years of review by me and the board members at our annual tournament schedule development meetings, we decided to actively address the issue of declining tournament attendance.
Things change in our lives, often making participation in the bass club events a challenge.
We have tried decreasing the number of events in hopes increasing attendance with no positive effect.
We decided that it would be best to address the issue with the general membership at last Sunday’s meeting. There, we proposed opening up the membership ranks to interested fisherman, outside of the bass club for the first time in 8 years.
After discussion, a motion was made to open up new membership by 25 people and the motion passed.
As president, I routinely get emails and phone from interested anglers. I have always told them that membership is closed, but stay tuned because you never know what will happen going forward. I will start to re-connect with these people to invite them to our winter meetings.
If you know of someone who might be interested in becoming a member, please invite them to come out and meet the group. We will be actively pursuing new members at the 2018 Let’s Go Fishing show also.
The Steel City Bassmasters has been very fortunate over the last 29 seasons to have a group of good people. My hope is that this new wave of members will continue that tradition and our events will be both fun and competitive.

Larry Heagy

President of the Steel City Bassmasters

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